Some info
Animals (£50 each) minimum charge will be £150 even if less animals are requested. Prices are rounded up to the nearest pound. Animal portraits are usually between 8cm-20cm. If larger than this is required the artist retains the right to adjust the pricing and quote accordingly. Travel rates will be calculated by the current price of petrol per litre plus a small additional fee to cover car fees and public liability insurance.
The artist is only available on Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays. Please bear this in mind when enquiring with a date. Portraits are painted in acrylic paint and whilst easily covered with emulsion, some texture may be visible if the home owner ever chooses to cover them up so it is advisable to sand them down prior to painting. Unfortunately this service is not available to rental tenants.
Price examples:
3 animals = £150 + travel + fees
6 animals £300 + travel + fees
8 animals £400 + travel + fees